I want to love Pride month
I want accountability. I want change. I want rainbows that remind us to smile and recall how much we love each other, not rainbows that are held up in defiance against everyone that hates us.
I want accountability. I want change. I want rainbows that remind us to smile and recall how much we love each other, not rainbows that are held up in defiance against everyone that hates us.
Anger is exhausting. Rage burns in us and sometimes we burn too. Rest where you can.
We are always grieving someone else, angry at another loss, raging at the injustice that the most vulnerable of us are always facing.
Choice without accountability is cowardice. It is to lie to yourself and to others.
Time is not really a flat circle; it does turn back on itself in an endless loop, but perhaps if we are lucky the loop is a spiral and we are getting somewhere better, a tiny movement at a time.
We cannot understand death without also holding the feeling of hope, even if it is buried so deeply that we cannot find it within ourselves.