I don’t want to be a big deal on the internet
I want to be able to stand before my gods before I pass into the sunlit lands and not be ashamed of who I was. I want to leave the place better than I found it.
I want to be able to stand before my gods before I pass into the sunlit lands and not be ashamed of who I was. I want to leave the place better than I found it.
Doing the math of harm doesn’t mean that I get to disconnect myself from my choice once I’ve made it.
If you’re wondering if I have some sort of requirement to inject some Tolkien into almost everything I do, maybe that’s My Brand.
…no matter how long the night, the day will come. The light will return. There are always things to fear; and there is always hope.
What I could do, though, was witness it. So that someone was there and you weren’t alone.
I am doing my best to find the most harmonious way to hold my candle in the darkness so that you can see it and find me, bringing your own light, so that we have more light together.