chosen family: all you have is what you are
Each of us has to go on this journey of undoing the damage of our belief system in order to learn a new one, separately, although we can be in community while w...
Each of us has to go on this journey of undoing the damage of our belief system in order to learn a new one, separately, although we can be in community while w...
I don't like having to be this serious. I'm a shitposting goofball but I know how to be deadly serious when it's called for. Now is a time when it is called for...
I know my name
a better world is possible it will take all of us to make it where 'all of us' means those who will do the work
I used to think that I was weak, and tried to make that untrue by becoming as strong as possible. I used to believe that I was nobody, and tried to make that un...
When I reject the concept that exploitation of people or resources is just, it becomes antithetical to believe that any of us should put anyone else in a positi...