I am home
...no matter how long the night, the day will come. The light will return. There are always things to fear; and there is always hope.
...no matter how long the night, the day will come. The light will return. There are always things to fear; and there is always hope.
What I could do, though, was witness it. So that someone was there and you weren’t alone.
Do you know what it feels like to be believed in? Have you experienced the incredible fortune of knowing that you matter?
This is a reckoning that has needed to happen ever since the first harm was done. This is a chance to do it better this time.
And we keep waking up every day, doing stuff, maybe doing more stuff, looking for the things that might comfort us, asking the world for meaning, and then we li...
Try to remember what hope feels like. Try to believe that hope matters, even while the future is uncertain.