on Chosen Family/on Chronic Illness/on Deathwork & Griefwork/on Decolonizing/on Harm & Reciprocity/on Mental Health/on Queerness/the Pandemic
I write what hurts my feelings
The pain leads me to what is true.
The pain leads me to what is true.
I had a bad dream which was trying to be a good dream, but it was a bad dream because none of it is true.
Doing the math of harm doesn’t mean that I get to disconnect myself from my choice once I’ve made it.
Do you know what it feels like to be believed in? Have you experienced the incredible fortune of knowing that you matter?
We do our best to balance the needs of the many against the needs of the few (or the one) — thank you Leonard Nimoy — and this means that sometimes, saying no w...
I can do my best but that never means it’s going to have been enough to keep the monster under the bed from escaping so that it can’t eat anyone.