when I know better, I have to do better
I have the ego and expectations of a person with the attention of thousands of people, with the actual followers and subscribers of a person with the attention ...
I have the ego and expectations of a person with the attention of thousands of people, with the actual followers and subscribers of a person with the attention ...
We need to learn how to put down the weapons of our thoughts and voices that lead us to separate ourselves from one another.
The pain leads me to what is true.
I am doing my best to find the most harmonious way to hold my candle in the darkness so that you can see it and find me, bringing your own light, so that we hav...
Do you know what it feels like to be believed in? Have you experienced the incredible fortune of knowing that you matter?
This is a reckoning that has needed to happen ever since the first harm was done. This is a chance to do it better this time.