this is not an obituary
Time is not really a flat circle; it does turn back on itself in an endless loop, but perhaps if we are lucky the loop is a spiral and we are getting somewhere ...
Time is not really a flat circle; it does turn back on itself in an endless loop, but perhaps if we are lucky the loop is a spiral and we are getting somewhere ...
We cannot understand death without also holding the feeling of hope, even if it is buried so deeply that we cannot find it within ourselves.
I think that when we look for as long as we can — and look away if we have the privilege to be able to look away — it helps remind us that while the world is bi...
You aren’t alone; but the more alone you believe that you are, the more your messiah complex will be able to dictate your feelings and choices.
What’s almost over? What’s just begun? What are we praying for? Where are we going? Let’s follow someone else’s instructions and fly this planet right into the ...
I’ve got a ways to go, but this seems like a good start.